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The Millionista Morning Money Routine

hey there

I'm Melanie

I went from a homeless single mom to an entrepreneurial businesswoman, with everything society says makes you happy. But I was disillusioned & exhausted—and I wanted MORE. So I finally said “No” to the “get a good job and work ’til you die” mentality. 

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The Breakthru CEO Masterclass

So feeling those things in your heart and seeing them already done gives me a vision. It inspires me for the day.

In this episode we’re going to talk about the millionista morning routine. So let’s go through the steps that I take in the morning, which are one part personal, one part business so that you can check where you’re at, and see what you need to do to take the next step to make your morning worth $1,000,000.

OK, what do we have to do in the morning to create a $1,000,000 routine? Well, it’s a lot simpler than you think:

  • Make sure you get up in the morning before the household, I recommend getting up an hour and a half before your family.
  • Sit down with a book and a journal. Now, the book is, first of all, mindset. Always work on mindset first. Below you will see some book recommendations.
  • Get really quiet and envision how you want your life.
  • Add in any extracurricular learning of your interest, for example learn how to create a funnel, email list, social media.
  • Write out your “I am statements”, which is your millionista mindset. 
  • Pick a day to plan and review your week .
  • Do a half an hour of exercise of some kind.
  • Set your alarm in the morning and or make notes to yourself.

Ask yourself what do I want my life to look like in ten years? What are my goals, what am I looking to achieve? Now, this being part of your morning routine, it’ll actually inspire you to work a little bit sharper throughout the day. You can take 15-20 minutes, or a half an hour to do that. Whatever feels good to you.

Some of my favourite books are:

  1. The Master Key System. I love that book.
  2. You Were Born Rich by Bob Proctor.
  3. They can grow rich by Napoleon Hill.
  4. The Quantum Leap is another great book.
  5. So there’s several things by John Maxwell.

Now, in your morning routine, it’s really important that you are feeling good. You want to make sure that you’re saying the right things to yourself, taking time to admire the things that you did really well yesterday. And at the end of your day, it’s also a good thing to celebrate the things that you did well that day so that you’re constantly giving yourself positive feedback.


The Breakthru CEO Masterclass


The Breakthru CEO Masterclass

In this masterclass, Melanie teaches the 6-step framework for a profitable online business—and shows you how to start implementing it today!